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Articles & Posts
Insights, articles and case studies

Jed Ashforth
17 min read
Why are VR headsets STILL uncomfortable?
This is silly, it's 2024. Plus, Apple's strategy to make VR cool (again?) VR Comfort is one of those issues that’s always prevalent in...

Jed Ashforth
15 min read
Thoughts on PSVR2's User Experience 2
An appraisal from PSVR1’s Immersive Experience Specialist Part 2 | On-boarding and the general UX As someone who worked closely on the...

Jed Ashforth
12 min read
Thoughts on PSVR2's User Experience 1
An appraisal from PSVR1’s Immersive Experience Specialist Part 1 | First Impressions and Hardware features As someone who worked...

Jed Ashforth
13 min read
Why Designing for XR is Illusionism on Hard Mode
XR design steps up the illusionist tradition of not just fooling the audience, but encouraging them to fool themselves.
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