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Articles & Posts
Insights, articles and case studies
Jed Ashforth
1 min read
It's alive!
Our newsletter has had no pulse for a while, but I'm happy to bring you the news that it's back. Back babaay. Science couldn't stop me....
Jed Ashforth
2 min read
A Quick Update
If you had been wondering what happened to the newsletter, this is the story. It's not a great one but it's all disappointingly very true.
Jed Ashforth
23 min read
More Anti-Jank! | Avoiding XR Jank and Ensuring Smooth Usability in Spatial XR Apps and Games
VR, AR and MR have become the new showcase for jank of all types.
This always seems crazy to me.
Jed Ashforth
18 min read
Anti-Jank! | Avoiding Jank in VR, MR and AR
What to know about achieving 'Smooth Usability' for a superior user experience in Spatial AR, MR, and VR
Jed Ashforth
17 min read
Why are VR headsets STILL uncomfortable?
This is silly, it's 2024. Plus, Apple's strategy to make VR cool (again?) VR Comfort is one of those issues that’s always prevalent in...
Jed Ashforth
15 min read
Thoughts on PSVR2's User Experience 2
An appraisal from PSVR1’s Immersive Experience Specialist Part 2 | On-boarding and the general UX As someone who worked closely on the...
Jed Ashforth
12 min read
Thoughts on PSVR2's User Experience 1
An appraisal from PSVR1’s Immersive Experience Specialist Part 1 | First Impressions and Hardware features As someone who worked...
Jed Ashforth
13 min read
XR Investment Pitch - Demos, Takeaways and Telling Stories
Putting together an investment pitch for a VR/MR/AR Project? Plenty of tips to help your pitch stand out from the crowd.
Jed Ashforth
10 min read
Preparing for a Virtual Hurricane
How Realised Realities helped Head Set build a watertight pre-production plan for their VR Journalist Training app Extreme Weather.
Jed Ashforth
18 min read
XR Investment Pitch - The Information Puzzle
Spend your time wisely to elevate your investment pitch (XR or otherwise) to the next level! More great tips from Realised Realities
Jed Ashforth
12 min read
XR Investment Pitch - Easy Tips and Tricks to make your Pitch Presentation a Success
If you’re looking to raise funding for an XR project, you’ll be putting together a pitch. Realised Realities guides you through it.
Jed Ashforth
18 min read
XR Expectations | Presence Wrangling
Part 4 | Learn tricks and techniques to keep the XR user in the sweet-spot of Immersion.
Jed Ashforth
13 min read
11 Great Pre-Prod Habits for an Efficient and Successful XR Project
11 great XR Habits to make Pre-Production less of a journey into the unknown.
Jed Ashforth
5 min read
The Light in the Shadow: The Brushstrokes of VR UX Design
How Realised Realities helped Fat Red Bird paint new layers onto the user experience for their '(Hi)Story of a Painting' series.
Jed Ashforth
13 min read
Why Designing for XR is Illusionism on Hard Mode
XR design steps up the illusionist tradition of not just fooling the audience, but encouraging them to fool themselves.
Jed Ashforth
9 min read
XR Expectations | Steering the Immersion
Part 3 | Learn how the type of physical interface can re-frame the user's expectations.
Jed Ashforth
7 min read
XR Expectations | A Symphony of Senses
Part 2 | Learn why the easiest things to do in real-life are often the hardest to pull off in XR experiences.
Jed Ashforth
6 min read
XR Expectations | Users expect the expected
Part 1 | Learn why giving the immersive user exactly what they expect is the key to surprising them.
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